507 Apache TrailLake Villa, IL 60046-7301Phn:(847) 265-8215; Fax:(847) 265-8257; Mbl:
(847) 812-3182
The Principal embarked on system work during College and Graduate studies in the late '70s with PL/1 programming and in 1978 an extensive needs analysis and final mainframe system upgrade recommendation to the Rice University Board of Governors. At the time the University was operating an IBM System 360 at over 95% CPU utilization - the final report proposed an Itel AS6 which brought the utilization down to 15%. In 1980 he started coding RPG on IBM 3x series mini computers in addition to his Treasurer duties at the family construction business. Several years later, he moved into the PC world and in 1986 assumed leadership of a Chicago Computer Society Special Interest Group, a position retained today, in addition to taking on the Presidency of the family construction business. The operation was officially formed in August of 1989, operating primarily for a large diversified construction industry entrepreneur. This provided a multi and varied enterprise experience to the new formal operation involving excavation, trucking, hospitality [banquet and entertainment], meat packing and environmental remediation. In 1991 the operation moved temporarily to the Rockford / Beloit area and earned clients in Beloit, Madison, Appleton and Milwaukee. In addition, one time projects were engaged in Des Moines, Phoenix and Ft. Lauderdale. The Florida work continues to the present with other occasional ancillary operations throughout South Florida. Associate Mark J Schukas joined the Company in the Fall of 1994. He specializes in database development in Suite/Office environments. In 1996, the office returned to the Principal's home town of Round Lake and thus the original base of the operation's contacts and base. This move significantly reduced operational costs and enhanced new opportunities while retaining some of the northern market developed during the Central Illinois years. Today the business while not ever being short of business has embarked on a careful but extensive marketing program in a plan to controlled by but significantly expand it's client base and staff. Watch the News Page for developments. |
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